Tuesday, June 30, 2015

181 | 365 : Not Amused

This is Grayson's not amused face after he receives a haircut.

180 | 365 : First Movie

Today as a family we went to the movies together. Inside Out is now officially Grayson's first movie. I know this pic is posey, but he was so excited he wouldn't sit still (his face is priceless)! And I was a little sad. One more "first" that is gone.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

179 | 365 : In Motion

The weather was horrible all weekend, but in a break of rain I had to bring the kids to the park before my house was destroyed. Grayson is constantly on the move!

178 | 365 : Stinky

I forget sometimes that summer makes my kids extra stinky. I have some serious sweaters in this family.

Friday, June 26, 2015

177 | 365 : Equality

What a historic day. I'm so glad I can see marriage equality in my lifetime.

176 | 365 : Getting Along

If you look through the buses, and are quiet, you may see this rarity. It's wild siblings, getting along with each other. Be still or the spell will be broken.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

175 | 365 : Anti Pants

Grayson was anti pants today. The second we got home from anywhere, he whipped his shorts right off. It took a little convincing to keep his boxer briefs on.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

174 | 365 : Humid

It was 95 degrees and humid today. I sent Elsa out to cool things down, but its still disgusting out. A thunderstorm just started though, so maybe she's coming through!

173 | 365 : New Trick

Grayson's newest thing to do? When I ask him to do something, or when we are having a random conversation, he smacks his own head and says "are you kidding me?" in his squeaky toddler voice. This example was: "hey Grayson, Thomas and Friends is on." Grayson: "are you kidding me??" Insert this photo.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

172 | 365 : Five

It may be Fathers Day, but my little Sydney turned 5 today. No more toddlerhood for this one! Cinderella hair and her favorite dress requested by her. I love you so much, my little petite princess.

171 | 365 : Big Boy

The moment you turn around and your 3 year old doesn't have that toddler look to him anymore, especially when he passes the time playing "Crossy Road" on your phone.

Friday, June 19, 2015

170 | 365 : Last Day of School

It was officially summer vacation at 1 pm today. I now have girls going into kindergarten and 3rd grade!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

169 | 365 : Fancy Feet

When I was Sydney's age, I had my very first dance lesson. I ended up dancing for over a decade (and I'm thinking of going back). Sydney wants to follow her moms footsteps. She had her first dance lesson at my old studio, with my old teachers (who remembered me!)

168 | 365 : Field Day

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

167 | 365 : Sick Girl

Don't let this face fool you: Sydney woke up with a 102 fever today. I'm really hoping it's a 24 hour thing, because of field day tomorrow, last day of pre-k Friday AND she turns 5 on Sunday (Father's Day)! I really don't want her to miss out on these fun activities.

166 | 365 : Playtime

"Mommy, you be Percy." I'm always the Percy to his Thomas when we play trains. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

165 | 365 : Untitled

I don't have words for today. I had a really bad one. I spent a lot of time locked in the bathroom bawling my eyes out.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

164 | 365 : Water Table

Another blazing hot day means water table fun, especially since I can't go anywhere.

163 | 365 : Surgery

I had a surgical procedure today on my hip to remove a small mass. I'm fine and spending time in bed, which is a first in awhile. I'm horribly upset that I can't run for 7-10 days. Knowing that my run early this morning was my last for at least a week sucks. I know it sounds crazy, but running is my sanity! Especially since I have to wait for biopsy results on the little "friend" they cut out of me! 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

162 | 365 : Happiness

Happiness is getting a water play table on a 95 degree day. Grayson was really pumped to have it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

161 | 365 : Field Trip

Sydney had a field trip today (they have one once a week it seems). It was a bit different this time around because they invited the siblings that were available. This week they went to the beach in town. Grayson just looked from afar. I guess there were too many kids!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

160 | 365 : On Target

Today I was having a bad day, so after Sydney went to pre-k, Grayson and I went to Target to cheer us up. Target popcorn, shopping deals (bling sandals for only $12!), and hanging with my little man always make me feel better.

Monday, June 8, 2015

159 | 365 : Trains

I love that Grayson still plays with Thomas the Tank Engine. I think I will be horribly upset when he stops asking me to play trains with him. It's a sign of a boys toddlerhood, and when he stops, that means he's not a toddler anymore.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

158 | 365 : Simple

Its no secret that I am addicted to running. Sunday's are usually my short days, where I only run with the sunrise for a few miles to rest myself. I also take that time to feed my sea glass obsession. I love the hunt for the simple little treasures on the beach. It relaxes me immensely. Today's finds weren't bad ones, I must say. It's the simple things in life that are wonderful.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

157 | 365 : Eight

I woke up this morning and my oldest daughter turned 8. Every mother comments about how fast time goes, and its completely true. One minute, I had a little preemie baby, next thing I know, I have a daughter that is turning into a beautiful young woman. I love her so much.

156 | 365 : National Donut Day

It's known that every Friday we get donuts, but this particular Friday is National Donut Day! Unfortunately by schools end, they were all out of donuts. No worries for this "munchkin". We got a box of munchkins and free donut coupons for our troubles.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

155 | 365 : Mash Up

It does not feel like June today (again), so its another day of crafts and fun indoors. This is Grayson's "I swear I didn't mix the colors of the Play Doh, Mom" face. Yes, mixing Play Doh colors drives me crazy!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

154 | 365 : Attention Span

Every Wednesday is Toddler Library at our local library, and usually Grayson is riveted by everything, but today he had no attention span. He was too busy moving all over and doing puzzles to be bothered with listening to the stories today.

153 | 365 : Supermarket

The only way to get Grayson to go to the food store with me without screaming these days is the promise of getting one of these types of carts. I feel bad for everyone around me though, since they are so hard to maneuver.

Monday, June 1, 2015

152 | 365 : After School

 I think it's hilarious that after school Sydney runs right to her bedroom and changes into pajamas. She's just like mommy: comfy clothes as soon as humanly possible.